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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Managing Soil-Water and Chemical Transport with Subsurface Flow Barriers 미리보기
Kaspar, T. C. Kiuchi, M. Horton, R. Soil Science Society of America 1993
92 저널기사 Statistical Hydraulic Conductivity Models and Scaling of Capillary Phenomena in Porous Media 미리보기
Snyder, V. A. Soil Science Society of America 1993
93 저널기사 Biodynamic rs. Conventional Farming Effects on Soil Structure Expressed by Simulated Potential Productivity 미리보기
Bouma, J. Droogers, P. Soil Science Society of America 1993
94 저널기사 Convective-Dispersive Stream Tube Model for Field-Scale Solute Transport: II. Examples and Calibration 미리보기
Toride, N. Leij, F. J. Soil Science Society of America 1993
95 저널기사 Organic Carbon Characteristics in a Spruce Swamp Five Years after Harvesting 미리보기
McLaughlin, J. W. Jurgensen, M. F. Gale, M. R. Liu, G. Soil Science Society of America 1993
96 저널기사 Numerical Evaluation of Static-Chamber Measurements of Soil - AtmosphereGas Exchange: Identification of Physical Processes 미리보기
Striegl, R. G. Healy, R. W. Russell, T. F. Hutchinson, G. L. Soil Science Society of America 1993
97 저널기사 Comparison of Kriging and Inverse-Distance Methods for Mapping Soil Parameters 미리보기
Hergert, G. W. Gotway, C. A. Ferguson, R. B. Peterson, T. A. Soil Science Society of America 1993
98 저널기사 Characterization of the Hydrophobic Acid Fraction Isolated from a Wheat Straw Extract 미리보기
Inskeep, W. P. Grossl, P. R. Soil Science Society of America 1993
99 저널기사 Incorporating Nonextractable Atrazine Residues into Soil Size Fractions as a Function of Time 미리보기
Barriuso, E. Koskinen, W. C. Soil Science Society of America 1993
100 저널기사 Backscattered Electron Scanning Images of Soil Porosity for Analyzing Soil Compaction around Roots 미리보기
Cousin, I. Duval, O. Bruand, A. Nicoullaud, B. Soil Science Society of America 1993
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