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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
102건 중 102건 출력
6/11 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Karayan, John Edward Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
52 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Tanner, Dwight W Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
53 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Yan, Aimin Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
54 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Bang, Byung Kuk Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
55 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Thornton, David Weldon Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
56 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Addis, Caren Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
57 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Richardson, James Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
58 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Neupert, Kent E Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
59 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Nehrt, Chadwick Charle Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
60 저널기사 Dissertation abstracts 미리보기
Krapels, Roberta Hughes Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 1994
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