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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
118건 중 118건 출력
11/12 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Switching Costs and Sectoral Adjustments in General Equilibrium with Uninsured Risk 미리보기
Dixit, A. ACADEMIC PR 1994
102 저널기사 Endogenous Availability, Cartels, and Merger in an Equilibrium Price Dispersion 미리보기
Preston McAfee, R. ACADEMIC PR 1994
103 저널기사 The Foundation of the Theory of Monopolistic Competition Revisited 미리보기
Boehm, V. ACADEMIC PR 1994
104 저널기사 Weak Dominance and Approximate Common Knowledge 미리보기
Boergers, T. ACADEMIC PR 1994
105 저널기사 Ranking Opportunity Sets: An Axiomatic Approach 미리보기
Bossert, W. ACADEMIC PR 1994
106 저널기사 Incentive-Compatible Cost-Allocation Schemes 미리보기
Schmeidler, D. ACADEMIC PR 1994
107 저널기사 On the Local Stability of Sunspot Equilibria under Adaptive Learning Rules 미리보기
Evans, G. W. ACADEMIC PR 1994
108 저널기사 Incentive-Consistent Matching Processes for Problems with ex Ante Pricing 미리보기
Peters, M. ACADEMIC PR 1994
109 저널기사 Auctioning the Provision of an Indivisible Public Good 미리보기
Kleindorfer, P. R. ACADEMIC PR 1994
110 저널기사 Second Price Auctions without Expected Utility 미리보기
Neilson, W. S. ACADEMIC PR 1994
맨앞 이전 11 12 
