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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
79건 중 79건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 The normative significance of using third-degree stochastic dominance in comparing income 미리보기
Davies, James Academic Press 1994
42 저널기사 Linear measures, the Gini index, and the income-equality trade-off 미리보기
Porath, Elchanan Ben Academic Press 1994
43 저널기사 Efficient monetary equilibrium: An overlapping generations model with nonstationary monetary 미리보기
Esteban, Joan Academic Press 1994
44 저널기사 The burden of proof in a game of persuasion 미리보기
Shin, Nyun Song Academic Press 1994
45 저널기사 Anonymity and optimality of competitive equilibria when markets are incomplete 미리보기
Kajii, Atsushi Academic Press 1994
46 저널기사 Inequality reducing and inequality preserving transformations of incomes: Symmetric and 미리보기
Moyes, Patrick Academic Press 1994
47 저널기사 Monopoly insurance under adverse selection when agents differ in risk aversion 미리보기
Landsberger, Michael Academic Press 1994
48 저널기사 Exact implementation 미리보기
Abreu, Dilip Academic Press 1994
49 저널기사 The axiomatic basis of anticipated utility: A clarification 미리보기
Quiggin, John Academic Press 1994
50 저널기사 Nash equilibrium under Knightian uncertainty: Breaking down backward induction 미리보기
Dow, James Academic Press 1994
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