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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Model choice in consumer analysis: Taiwan, 1970-89 미리보기
Lee, Jonq-Ying American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
22 저널기사 Optimal replacement and management policies for beef cows 미리보기
Frasier, W. Marshall American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
23 저널기사 Using shadow wages to estimate labor supply of agricultural households 미리보기
Skoufias, Emmanuel American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
24 저널기사 Risk aversion and price risk in duality models of production: Comment 미리보기
Driscoll, Paul American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
25 저널기사 Substitution effects in CVM values 미리보기
Cummings, Ronald G American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
26 저널기사 Sectoral interdependence: Current measures and new approaches: Discussion 미리보기
Nelson, Glenn L American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
27 저널기사 Moral hazard cycles in individual-coverage crop insurance 미리보기
Vercammen, James American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
28 저널기사 Welfare effects of the national pseudorabies eradication program: Comment 미리보기
Forsythe, Jr., Kenneth W American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
29 저널기사 Agriculture and economic interdependence: Discussion 미리보기
Johnson, Stanley R American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
30 저널기사 Marketing quotas and random yields: Marginal effects of inframarginal subsidies on peanut supply 미리보기
Borges, Robert B American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
