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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
171건 중 171건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Demand for an undergraduate education in the agricultural sciences 미리보기
Thompson, Richard P American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
92 저널기사 Developing undergraduate small business programs in agricultural economics departments: Lessons 미리보기
Lee, Linda K American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
93 저널기사 Funding, structure, and management of public agricultural research in the United States 미리보기
Huffman, Wallace E American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
94 저널기사 A critical assessment of supply-demand models of agricultural trade 미리보기
Peterson, Everett B American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
95 저널기사 Structural adjustment and learning to live without subsidies in OECD countries 미리보기
Blandford, David American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
96 저널기사 Promoting intersectoral growth linkages in rural Africa through agricultural technology and 미리보기
Delgado, Christopher American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
97 저널기사 Land price volatility in a geographically dispersed market 미리보기
Benirschka, Martin American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
98 저널기사 Nonparametric tests for monopsonistic market power exertion 미리보기
Love, H. Alan American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
99 저널기사 Production Efficiency and Agricultural Reform in Ukraine: Comment 미리보기
Desai, P. American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
100 저널기사 The benefits of groundwater protection: Discussion 미리보기
Segerson, Kathleen American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
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