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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
171건 중 171건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Economic adjustments and changes in financial viability of the farming sector: The New Zealand 미리보기
Johnston, Warren E American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
32 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Buller, Orlan American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
33 저널기사 Optimal timing of farm transferal from parent to child 미리보기
Kimhi, Ayal American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
34 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Calkins, Peter American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
35 저널기사 Cost functions under production uncertainty 미리보기
Pope, Rulon D American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
36 저널기사 Cow culling decisions adapted for management with CART 미리보기
Tronstad, Russell American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
37 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Meyer, Lee American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
38 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Pray, Carl E American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
39 저널기사 Pesticide residue risk and food safety valuation: A random utility approach 미리보기
Eom, Young Sook American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
40 저널기사 Multicrop production decisions in Western irrigated agriculture: The role of water price 미리보기
Moore, Michael R American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
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