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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 What do we know about groundwater values? Preliminary implications from a meta analysis of 미리보기
Boyle, Kevin J American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
52 저널기사 Agricultural insurance and soil; depletion in a simple dynamic model 미리보기
Innes, Robert American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
53 저널기사 Transparency, empowerment, and the public interest: A view on the role of publicly-employed 미리보기
Lee Jr., John E American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
54 저널기사 Economic Reform and Comparative Advantage in Agriculture in the Newly Independent States 미리보기
Liefert, W. M. American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
55 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Colby, Bonnie G American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
56 저널기사 Managerial inputs and the growth of rural small firms 미리보기
Variyam, Jayachandran N American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
57 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Kinsey, Jean American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
58 저널기사 Retail-level hedonics and the valuation of milk components 미리보기
Lenz, John E American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
59 저널기사 A cross-section demand analysis of Spanish Provincial food consumption 미리보기
Chung, Ching-Fan American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
60 저널기사 Farm productivity in Burkina Faso: Effects of animal traction and nonfarm income 미리보기
Savadago, Kimseyinga American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
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