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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Asset pricing theory and the predictable variation in agricultural asset returns 미리보기
Bjornson, Bruce American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
82 저널기사 Agribusiness programs in non-land-grant schools of agriculture: Requirements for success 미리보기
Wallace, Henry N American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
83 저널기사 Measuring economies of scale and scope in agricultural banking 미리보기
Featherson, Allen M American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
84 저널기사 Comparative advantage in agriculture in the newly independent states: Discussion 미리보기
Tyers, Rod American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
85 저널기사 Changing international competitiveness and trade: Recent experience in New Zealand agriculture 미리보기
Sandrey, Ron A American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
86 저널기사 Assessing the importance of oligopsony power in agricultural markets 미리보기
Rogers, Richard T American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
87 저널기사 Redefining agriculture in interindustry analysis 미리보기
Leones, Julie American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
88 저널기사 Trade patterns in the Pacific Rim: Outlook for the next decade: Discussion 미리보기
Coyle, Bill American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
89 저널기사 Cost pooling in Australian grain handling: A common property analysis 미리보기
Quiggin, John American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
90 저널기사 The impact of food aid on food subsidies in recipient countries 미리보기
Hoffman, Wendy L American Agricultural Economics Association 1994
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