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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 What does an oligopoly maximize? 미리보기
Slade, Margaret Blackwell 1994
52 저널기사 Mergers and malls 미리보기
Beggs, Alan W Blackwell 1994
53 저널기사 Market-specific effects of rail deregulation 미리보기
Wilson, Wesley Blackwell 1994
54 저널기사 Strategic R & D with spillovers, collusion and welfare 미리보기
Ziss, Steffen Blackwell 1994
55 저널기사 Optimal nonuniform pricing with generalized consumer choice 미리보기
Einhorn, Michael Blackwell 1994
56 저널기사 The effects of expectations on technology adoption: Some empirical evidence 미리보기
Weiss, Allen M Blackwell 1994
57 저널기사 Beta, market power and wage rate uncertainty 미리보기
Peyser, Paul S Blackwell 1994
58 저널기사 Random pricing by monopolists 미리보기
Beard, T. Randolph Blackwell 1994
59 저널기사 Age, size, growth and survival: UK companies in the 1980s 미리보기
Dunne, Paul Blackwell 1994
60 저널기사 Preemptive adoptions of an emerging technology 미리보기
Riordan, Michael H Blackwell 1994
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