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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
843건 중 500건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Behavior of Participatory Firms in Yugoslavia: Lessons for Transforming Economies 미리보기
Prasnikar, J. ELSEVIER 1994
102 저널기사 Small Sample Bias and Adjustment Costs 미리보기
Caballero, R. J. ELSEVIER 1994
103 저널기사 Cooperation for Monopolization? An Empirical Analysis of Cartelization 미리보기
Madharan, A. N. ELSEVIER 1994
104 저널기사 Borrowing Constraints and Progress Through School: Evidence from Peru 미리보기
Jacoby, H. G. ELSEVIER 1994
105 저널기사 How Fast Do Old Men Slow Down? 미리보기
Fair, R. C. ELSEVIER 1994
106 저널기사 Price Behavior in Korean Manufacturing 미리보기
Yang, Y. Y. ELSEVIER 1994
107 저널기사 Pitfalls of Rescaling Regression Models with Box-Cox Transformations 미리보기
Dagenais, M. G. ELSEVIER 1994
108 저널기사 Wage Bargaining with Endogenous Profits, Overtime Working and Heterogeneous Labor 미리보기
Mumford, K. ELSEVIER 1994
109 저널기사 Immigrant Links to the Home Country: Empirical Implications for U.S. Bilateral Trade Flows 미리보기
Gould, D. M. ELSEVIER 1994
110 저널기사 Scale Economics and the Volume of Trade 미리보기
Harrigan, J. ELSEVIER 1994
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