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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 What do stochastic frontier cost functions tell us about inefficiency? 미리보기
Skinner, J. ELSEVIER 1994
12 저널기사 Inspection and correction policies in setting economic product tolerance 미리보기
Irianto, D. Elsevier 1994
13 저널기사 What and how about quality function deployment (QFD) 미리보기
Govers, C. P. M. Elsevier 1994
14 저널기사 American health care reform: An international perspective 미리보기
Minifie, J. R.;West, V. L. Elsevier 1994
15 저널기사 Life-cycle cost analysis of the labor factor 미리보기
Dehlen, P.;Bolmsjoe, G. S. Elsevier 1994
16 저널기사 Performance measurement system design: Should process based approaches be adopted? 미리보기
Neely, A.;Mills, J.;Platts, K.;Gregory, M. Elsevier 1994
17 저널기사 Tracking areas of strategic importance using scientometric journal mappings 미리보기
Leydesdorff, L. ELSEVIER 1994
18 저널기사 Taxation in a two-sided search model 미리보기
Smith, E. ELSEVIER 1994
19 저널기사 Tax evasion and the size of the underground economy 미리보기
Jung, Y. H. ELSEVIER 1994
20 저널기사 Learning the preferences of governments and voters from proposed spending and aggregated votes 미리보기
Rothstein, P. ELSEVIER 1994
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