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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 On limiting the market for status signals 미리보기
Ireland, N. J. ELSEVIER 1994
52 저널기사 A Pareto comparison of ad valorem and unit taxes in noncompetitive environments 미리보기
Skeath, S. E. ELSEVIER 1994
53 저널기사 The reasonableness of nonconstant discounting 미리보기
Harvey, C. M. ELSEVIER 1994
54 저널기사 Macroeconomic externalities: Are Pigouvian taxes the answer? 미리보기
Agell, J. ELSEVIER 1994
55 저널기사 Designing a private industry: Government auctions with endogenous market structure 미리보기
Dana, J. D. ELSEVIER 1994
56 저널기사 Incomplete enforcement with endogenous regulatory choice 미리보기
Garvie, D. ELSEVIER 1994
57 저널기사 Altruistic voting and campaign contributions 미리보기
Helsley, R. W. ELSEVIER 1994
58 저널기사 Parental and social valuations of child health information 미리보기
Agee, M. D. ELSEVIER 1994
59 저널기사 Representative democracy and capital taxation 미리보기
Persson, T. ELSEVIER 1994
60 저널기사 Tax evasion and the allocation of capital 미리보기
Fullerton, D. ELSEVIER 1994
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
