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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
114건 중 114건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Drift 미리보기
Binmore, Ken IASP 1994
82 저널기사 Evolutionary game theory 미리보기
Damme, Eric Van IASP 1994
83 저널기사 On the design of stable joint ventures 미리보기
Veugelers, Reinhilde IASP 1994
84 저널기사 Minutes of the general assembly, Helsinki, 28 August 1993 미리보기
Barten, Anton P IASP 1994
85 저널기사 Voting power in the EC decision making and the consequences of two different enlargements 미리보기
Widgren, Mika IASP 1994
86 저널기사 Coordination problems at negligible degrees of market power 미리보기
Silvestre, Joaquim IASP 1994
87 저널기사 Real adjustment in a union of incompletely converged economies: An example from East and West 미리보기
Hallett, A.J. Hughes IASP 1994
88 저널기사 Research vs. development: Optimal patenting policy in a three-stage model 미리보기
La Manna, Manfredi M.A IASP 1994
89 저널기사 Minutes of the meeting of the council 미리보기
Barten, Anton P IASP 1994
90 저널기사 Sources of business cycles in Europe: 1960-1988. Evidence from France, Germany, and the United 미리보기
Karras, Georgios IASP 1994
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