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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Book notes: Economic history 미리보기
Snowdon, Brian Macmillan 1994
42 저널기사 Book notes: Industrial organisation 미리보기
Harding, Rebecca Macmillan 1994
43 저널기사 Book notes: Industrial organisation 미리보기
Ruehl, Sonja Macmillan 1994
44 저널기사 Speculative anticipations of sterling's return to gold: Was Keynes wrong? 미리보기
Miller, Marcus Macmillan 1994
45 저널기사 Book notes: Macroeconomics and monetary economics 미리보기
Price, Simon Macmillan 1994
46 저널기사 Book notes: Macroeconomics and monetary economics 미리보기
Ford, J.L Macmillan 1994
47 저널기사 Mr. Meade's relation, Kahn's multiplier and the chronology of the general theory; Reply 미리보기
Patinkin, Don Macmillan 1994
48 저널기사 Mr. Meade's relation, Kahn's multiplier and the chronology of the general theory 미리보기
Dimand, Robert W Macmillan 1994
49 저널기사 On the expectations view of the term structure, term premia and survey-based expectations 미리보기
MacDonald, Ronald Macmillan 1994
50 저널기사 Evaluating the empirical evidence for currency substitution: A case study of the demand for 미리보기
Mizen, Paul Macmillan 1994
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