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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
74건 중 74건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Costs of monitoring and corporate taxation 미리보기
Kanniainen, Vesa North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
12 저널기사 Pecuniary redistribution through in-kind programs 미리보기
Coate, Stephen North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
13 저널기사 Parental and social valuations of child health information 미리보기
Agee, Mark D North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
14 저널기사 The effects of compulsory schooling on growth, income distribution and welfare 미리보기
Eckstein, Zvi North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
15 저널기사 Credit and deferral as international investment incentives 미리보기
Hines Jr., James R North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
16 저널기사 The non-equalization of true gift and estate tax rates 미리보기
Kuehlwein, Michael North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
17 저널기사 The shadow wage rate 미리보기
Dinwiddy, Caroline North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
18 저널기사 Exclusion and the private enforcement of property rights 미리보기
Helsley, Robert W North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
19 저널기사 Privatization, risk-taking, and the communist firm 미리보기
Demougin, Dominique North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
20 저널기사 The optimal two-bracket linear income tax 미리보기
Slemrod, Joel North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
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