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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Pigou and Coase 미리보기
DeSerpa, Allan C North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
42 저널기사 Corporation tax asymmetries and investment 미리보기
Devereux, Michael P North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
43 저널기사 Information expropriation and moral hazard in optimal second-source auctions 미리보기
Stole, Lars A North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
44 저널기사 The comparative static properties of the impure public good model 미리보기
Cornes, Richard North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
45 저널기사 Are efficient linear taxes inequitable? 미리보기
de Bartolome, Charles A.M North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
46 저널기사 Privatization in Eastern Europe 미리보기
Roland, Gerard North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
47 저널기사 Towards a theory of the direct-indirect tax mix 미리보기
Boadway, Robin North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
48 저널기사 Probability of purchase, amount of purchase, and the demographic incidence of the lottery tax 미리보기
Scott, Frank North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
49 저널기사 Government intervention as a bequest substitute 미리보기
Strawczynski, Michel North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
50 저널기사 Labour supply, tax evasion and the marginal cost of public funds an empirical investigation 미리보기
Fortin, Bernard North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
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