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51 저널기사 The impact of U.S. tax reform on foreign direct investment in the United States 미리보기
Swenson, Deborah L North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
52 저널기사 Taxes, housing, and capital accumulation in a two-sector growing economy 미리보기
Turnovsky, Stephen J North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
53 저널기사 The second theorem of the second best 미리보기
Hoff, Karla North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
54 저널기사 Privatization and changes in welfare costs of inflation the case of ENTeL Argentina 미리보기
Abdala, Manuel Angel North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
55 저널기사 State-mandated benefits and employer-provided health insurance 미리보기
Gruber, Jonathan North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
56 저널기사 Taxation in a two-sided search model 미리보기
Smith, Eric North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
57 저널기사 Report of the IEA Committee on a new School of Economics and Economic Development (SEED) 미리보기
Dreze, Jacques H North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
58 저널기사 Fixing the leak in Okun's bucket. Optimal tax progressivity 미리보기
Slemrod, Joel North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
59 저널기사 How cynical can an incumbent be? Strategic policy in a model of government spending 미리보기
Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
60 저널기사 Environmental policy, public finance and the labour market in a second-best world 미리보기
Bovenberg, A.L North-Holland Pub. Co 1994
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