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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
115건 중 115건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 A Folk Theorem for Stochastic Games 미리보기
Dutta, P. K. ACADEMIC PR 1995
42 저널기사 A Simple Forecasting Mechanism for Moral Hazard Settings 미리보기
Arya, A. ACADEMIC PR 1995
43 저널기사 Consistent Bayesian Aggregation 미리보기
Mongin, P. ACADEMIC PR 1995
44 저널기사 Multidimensional Generalizations of the Relative and Absolute Inequality Indices: The Atkinson-Kolm-Sen Approach 미리보기
Tsui, K.-Y. ACADEMIC PR 1995
45 저널기사 The Real Value of Money under Endogenous Beliefs 미리보기
Bertocchi, G. ACADEMIC PR 1995
46 저널기사 Bidding Off the Wall: Why Reserve Prices May Be Kept Secret 미리보기
Vincent, D. R. ACADEMIC PR 1995
47 저널기사 An Approach to Equilibrium Selection 미리보기
Matsui, A. ACADEMIC PR 1995
48 저널기사 The Arbitrage Pricing Theorem with Non-expected Utility Preferences 미리보기
Kelsey, D. ACADEMIC PR 1995
49 저널기사 Communication-Proof Equilibria in Cheap-Talk Games 미리보기
Blume, A. ACADEMIC PR 1995
50 저널기사 Ideal Structures of Path Independent Choice Functions 미리보기
Johnson, M. R. ACADEMIC PR 1995
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