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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
130건 중 130건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Repeated moral hazard and one-sided commitment 미리보기
Phelan, Christopher Academic Press 1995
92 저널기사 Consistent Bayesian aggregation 미리보기
Mongin, Philippe Academic Press 1995
93 저널기사 A theorem on portfolio separation with general preferences 미리보기
Lewbel, Arthur Academic Press 1995
94 저널기사 Optimality of incomplete markets 미리보기
Demange, Gabrielle Academic Press 1995
95 저널기사 The arbitrage pricing theorem with non-expected utility preferences 미리보기
Kelsey, David Academic Press 1995
96 저널기사 Bertrand and Walras equilibria in large economies 미리보기
Funk, Peter Academic Press 1995
97 저널기사 Financial Innovation and Arbitrage Pricing in Frictional Economies 미리보기
Chen, Z. Academic Press 1995
98 저널기사 Endogenous Determination of the Degree of Market-Incompleteness in Futures Innovation 미리보기
Ohashi, K. Academic Press 1995
99 저널기사 Productivity in the Transatlantic Slave Trade 미리보기
ELTIS, DAVID Academic Press 1995
100 저널기사 What Can Univariate Models Tell Us about Canadian Economic Growth 1870-1985? 미리보기
EVANS, LEWIS T. Academic Press 1995
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