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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 British Bank Conservatism in the Late 19th Century 미리보기
CAPIE, FORREST H. Academic Press 1995
42 저널기사 Monetary Policy in England 1893-1914: A Structural VAR Analysis 미리보기
JEANNE, OLIVIER Academic Press 1995
43 저널기사 Balanced versus Compromise Estimates of UK GDP 1870-1913 미리보기
GREASLEY, DAVID Academic Press 1995
44 저널기사 Human Capital in Religious Communes: Literacy and Selection of Nineteenth Century Shakers 미리보기
MURRAY, JOHN E. Academic Press 1995
45 저널기사 Welfare effects of financial innovation in incomplete market economies with several consumption 미리보기
Elul, Ronel Academic Press 1995
46 저널기사 Commission-Revenue Maximization in a General Equilibrium Model of Asset Creation 미리보기
Hara, C. Academic Press 1995
47 저널기사 Welfare Effects of Financial Innovation in Incomplete Markets Economies with Several Consumption Goods 미리보기
Elul, R. Academic Press 1995
48 저널기사 Financial Innovation in a General Equilibrium Model 미리보기
Pesendorfer, W. Academic Press 1995
49 저널기사 A simple proof of a basic result in nonexpected utility theory 미리보기
Conlon, John R Academic Press 1995
50 저널기사 Jamming a rival's learning 미리보기
Creane, Anthony Academic Press 1995
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