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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
130건 중 130건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Bargaining a monetary union 미리보기
Chang, Roberto Academic Press 1995
72 저널기사 Efficiency and equality in a simple model of efficient unemployment insurance 미리보기
Atkeson, Andrew Academic Press 1995
73 저널기사 Power of voters and domain of preferenes where voting by 미리보기
Serizawa, Shigehiro Academic Press 1995
74 저널기사 Profitable informed trading in a simple general equilibrum 미리보기
Dow, James Academic Press 1995
75 저널기사 Ideal structures of path independent choice functions 미리보기
Johnson, Mark R Academic Press 1995
76 저널기사 Structure of Pareto optima when agents have stochastic recursive preferences 미리보기
Kan, Rui Academic Press 1995
77 저널기사 Subgame perfect equilibrium of repeated games with implementation costs 미리보기
Neme, Alejandro Academic Press 1995
78 저널기사 Stability and the chain store paradox 미리보기
Govindan, Srihari Academic Press 1995
79 저널기사 Resilient allocation rules for bilateral trade 미리보기
Lagunoff, Roger D Academic Press 1995
80 저널기사 Insurance, adverse selection, and cream-skimming 미리보기
Lewis, Tracy R Academic Press 1995
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