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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
130건 중 130건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 The substitution theorem 미리보기
Raa, Thijs Ten Academic Press 1995
82 저널기사 Financial Market Innovation and Security Design: An Introduction 미리보기
Duffie, D.;Rahi, R. Academic Press 1995
83 저널기사 Comparative statics of the firm 미리보기
Topkis, Donald M Academic Press 1995
84 저널기사 Multidimensional generalizations of the relative and absolute inequality indices: The 미리보기
Tsui, Kai-Yuen Academic Press 1995
85 저널기사 Output shares in bilateral agency contracts 미리보기
Neary, Hugh M Academic Press 1995
86 저널기사 Optimal public utility pricing: A general equilibrium analysis 미리보기
Kamiya, Kazuya Academic Press 1995
87 저널기사 Optimality of Incomplete Markets 미리보기
Demange, G.;Laroque, G. Academic Press 1995
88 저널기사 Transactions costs, technological choice, and endogenous growth 미리보기
Bencivenga, Valerie R Academic Press 1995
89 저널기사 Multiproduct equilibrium price dispersion 미리보기
McAfee, R. Preston Academic Press 1995
90 저널기사 On the existence of nonoptimal equilibria in dynamic stochastic economies 미리보기
Greenwood, Jeremy Academic Press 1995
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