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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Valuing target price support programs with average option pricing 미리보기
Taehoon Kang American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
52 저널기사 Reregulating rural banks: Discussion 미리보기
Kane, Edward J American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
53 저널기사 The continuing search for relevance in agricultural economics 미리보기
Eidman, Vernon R American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
54 저널기사 Is the United States really underinvesting in agricultural research?: Reply 미리보기
Fox, Glenn American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
55 저널기사 Is the United States really underinvesting in agricultural research?: Comment 미리보기
Yee, Jet American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
56 저널기사 Assessing technical efficiency in commercial fisheries: The mid-Atlantic Sea scallop fishery 미리보기
Kirkley, James E American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
57 저널기사 Employment structure and poverty: Theoretical perspectives and conceptual frameworks: Discussion 미리보기
Nelson, Mack C American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
58 저널기사 Employment structure and poverty: Theoretical perspectives and conceptual frameworks 미리보기
Thompson, Alton American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
59 저널기사 Environment and trade in general equilibrium: Theory, methodology, and evidence: Discussion 미리보기
Devarajan, Shantayanan American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
60 저널기사 Weighing Regulatory Costs in Agricultural Lending 미리보기
Ahrendsen, B. L.;Barkema, A. D.;Gustafson, C. R. American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
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