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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
204건 중 204건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Approximating farm-level returns to incremental advertising expenditure: Methods and an 미리보기
Piggott, Roley R American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
72 저널기사 Climate change and global agriculture: Recent findings and issues 미리보기
Reilly, John American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
73 저널기사 Government regulation and compensation for takings: Implications for agriculture 미리보기
Miceli, Thomas J American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
74 저널기사 Regional trade reforms and Western Hemisphere economic integration: Implications for 미리보기
Josling, Timothy E American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
75 저널기사 Searching for a model of multiple-site recreation demand that admits interior and boundary 미리보기
Morey, Edward R American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
76 저널기사 The behavior of forward-looking firms in the very short run 미리보기
Lence, Sergio H American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
77 저널기사 Weighing regulatory costs in rural lending 미리보기
Ahrendsen, Bruce L American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
78 저널기사 Issues and trends in agricultural and agricultural economics research funding 미리보기
Noton, Virgil American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
79 저널기사 Plant succession as a natural range restoration factor in private livestock enterprises 미리보기
Huffaker, Ray American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
80 저널기사 Joining an existing regional trade agreement from the perspective of a small open economy 미리보기
Valdes, Alberto American Agricultural Economics Association 1995
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