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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 European Business in Japan: A Policy Crossroads? 미리보기
Strange, S. BLACKWELL 1995
72 저널기사 Bridging the capability--expectations gap: A case study of the CFSP joint action on South Africa 미리보기
Holland, Martin Blackwell 1995
73 저널기사 Parties at the European level and the legitimacy of EU socio-economic policy 미리보기
Hix, Simon Blackwell 1995
74 저널기사 Setting the agenda for a new Europe: The ERT and EC 1992 미리보기
Cowles, Maria Green Blackwell 1995
75 저널기사 Telecommunications policy in the European Union: Developing the information superhighway 미리보기
Curwen, Peter Blackwell 1995
76 저널기사 The public policy role of the European Investment Bank within the EU 미리보기
Honohan, Patrick Blackwell 1995
77 저널기사 Book notes 미리보기
Baldwin-Edwards, Martin Blackwell 1995
78 저널기사 Book notes 미리보기
Hitiris, Theo Blackwell 1995
79 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Shaw, Jo Blackwell 1995
80 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Dominguez, Lisa Blackwell 1995
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