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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
103건 중 103건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Instruments and institutions of industrial policy at the regional level in Germany: The example 미리보기
Elsner, Wolfram Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
52 저널기사 Technology and the terms of trade: Considering expectational, structural, and institutional factors 미리보기
Deprez, Johan Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
53 저널기사 The globalization of telecommunications: A study in the struggle to control markets and technology 미리보기
Trebing, Harry M Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
54 저널기사 Raising environmental consciousness versus creating economic incentives as alternative policies 미리보기
Santopietro, George D Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
55 저널기사 The independence of central banks: A nonconventional perspective 미리보기
Arestis, Philip Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
56 저널기사 For whom? Institutional economics and distributional issues in the economics classroom 미리보기
Peterson, Janice Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
57 저널기사 C.A. Wiley and the integrated economy 미리보기
Vaughn, Gerald Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
58 저널기사 Regulation of on-site medical waste incinerators in the United States and the United Kingdom 미리보기
Manns, Leslie D Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
59 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Eggleston, Brian Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
60 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Meyer, Peter B Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 1995
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