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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 In defence of the Royal Commission Report on Transport and the Environment 미리보기
Silberston, Aubrey Macmillan 1995
22 저널기사 Testing for short termism in the UK stock market: A reply 미리보기
Miles, David Macmillan 1995
23 저널기사 Testing for short termism in the UK stock market: A comment 미리보기
Satchell, S.E Macmillan 1995
24 저널기사 Uncertainty, optimal taxation and the direct versus indirect tax controversy 미리보기
Cremer, Helmuth Macmillan 1995
25 저널기사 Predicting turning points in the UK inflation cycle 미리보기
Artis, M.J Macmillan 1995
26 저널기사 Is Bayesian rationality compatible with strategic rationality? 미리보기
Mariotti, Marco Macmillan 1995
27 저널기사 Macroeconomic effects of active labour market programmes in a union wage-setting model 미리보기
Calmfors, Lars Macmillan 1995
28 저널기사 Labour demand and the source of adjustment costs 미리보기
Hamermesh, Daniel S Macmillan 1995
29 저널기사 Book notes: Macroeconomics and monetary economics 미리보기
Smith, Peter N Macmillan 1995
30 저널기사 Book notes: Macroeconomics and monetary economics 미리보기
Sayer, Stuart Macmillan 1995
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