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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Book notes 미리보기
Barrientos, Armando Macmillan 1995
42 저널기사 Book notes 미리보기
Borooah, Vani Macmillan 1995
43 저널기사 Nominal rigidities in wage setting by rational trade unions 미리보기
Benassy, Jean-Pascal Macmillan 1995
44 저널기사 Taking care of business: Executive compensation in the United Kingdom 미리보기
Conyon, Martin Macmillan 1995
45 저널기사 How much inequality can we explain? A methodology and an application to the United States 미리보기
Cowell, Frank A Macmillan 1995
46 저널기사 Information and the division of labour: Implications for the firm's choice of organisation 미리보기
Carter, Martin J Macmillan 1995
47 저널기사 Union membership and wage bargaining when membership is not compulsory 미리보기
Booth, Alison L Macmillan 1995
48 저널기사 The determinants of individual unemployment durations in an era of high unemployment 미리보기
Arulampalam, Wiji Macmillan 1995
49 저널기사 Policy measures to avoid a currency crisis 미리보기
Ozkan, F. Gulcin Macmillan 1995
50 저널기사 Labour supply, commodity demand and marginal tax reform 미리보기
Madden, David Macmillan 1995
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