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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Real exchange rate effects of monetary disturbances under different degrees of exchange rate 미리보기
Glick, Reuven North-Holland 1995
42 저널기사 Haircuts or hysteresis? Sources of movements in real exchange rates 미리보기
Rogers, John H North-Holland 1995
43 저널기사 Growth, trade, and international transfers 미리보기
Fisher, Eric O'N North-Holland 1995
44 저널기사 An integrated model of multinational flexibility and financial hedging 미리보기
Mello, Antonio S North-Holland 1995
45 저널기사 Industrial location and public infrastructure 미리보기
Martin, Philippe North-Holland 1995
46 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
de Melo, Jaime North-Holland 1995
47 저널기사 Who benefits from antidumping legislation? 미리보기
Anderson, Simon P North-Holland 1995
48 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Nelson, Douglas North-Holland 1995
49 저널기사 Commodity prices and inflation: A forward-looking price model 미리보기
Gerard Adams, F North-Holland 1995
50 저널기사 Advertising in demand systems for alcoholic drinks and tobacco: A comparative study 미리보기
Duffy, Martyn North-Holland 1995
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