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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Convergence in International Output 미리보기
Bernard, A. B. WILEY 1995
82 저널기사 Heterogeneity Biases, Distributional Effects, and Aggregate Consumption: An Empirical Analysis using Stratified Microdata 미리보기
Fortin, N. M. WILEY 1995
83 저널기사 Nonstationary Time Series and Cointegration 미리보기
Phillips, P. C. B. WILEY 1995
84 저널기사 Introduction: Econometric Models of Event Counts 미리보기
Trivedi, P. K. Wiley 1995
85 저널기사 The Maple Computer Algebra System 미리보기
Hutton, J. WILEY 1995
86 저널기사 Separability Test for the Electricity Supply Industry 미리보기
Lee, B.-J. WILEY 1995
87 저널기사 Labour-use Efficiency in Swedish Social Insurance Offices 미리보기
Kumbhakar, S. C. WILEY 1995
88 저널기사 Review of Coint 2.0 미리보기
Ng, S. WILEY 1995
89 저널기사 The Distribution of Personal Income: Revisited 미리보기
McDonald, J. B. WILEY 1995
90 저널기사 A Nonlinear Approach to US GNP 미리보기
Potter, S. M. WILEY 1995
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