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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Transforming growth factor �in bovine milk: concentration, stability and molecular mass forms 미리보기
Rogers, M.-L Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
82 저널기사 In vivo manipulation (depletion versus activation) of testicular macrophages: central and local effects 미리보기
Gaytan, F Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
83 저널기사 Expression of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein mRNA in adrenaltumors and cultured adrenal cells 미리보기
Liu, J Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
84 저널기사 Nutritional regulation of gene expression of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins and the acid-labile subunit in various tissues of rats 미리보기
Takenaka, A Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
85 저널기사 Trophoblastic giant cells of the mouse placenta contain calbindin-D~9~k but not the vitamin D receptor 미리보기
Shamley, D. R Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
86 저널기사 Activation of protein kinase A and protein kinase C mediates the depolarising effect of LH in ovine cumulus-corona cells 미리보기
Mattioli, M Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
87 저널기사 Insulin-like growth factor I enhancement of steroidogenesis by bovine granulosa cells and thecal cells: dependence on de novo cholesterol synthesis 미리보기
Spicer, L. J Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
88 저널기사 Inter-relationships between nonapeptide hormones and cyclic nucleotides within cultured porcine granulosa cells 미리보기
Sirotkin, A. V Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
89 저널기사 Labour-associated increase in interleukin-1�release in vitro by human gestational tissues 미리보기
Laham, N Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
90 저널기사 Stimulation of creatine kinase specific activity in human osteoblast andendometrial cells by estrogens and anti-estrogens and its modulation by calciotropic hormones 미리보기
Fournier, B Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.] 1996
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