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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
168건 중 168건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Public spending, endogenous growth, and endogenous fluctuations 미리보기
Cazzavillan, Guido Academic Press 1996
62 저널기사 A note on endogenous firm efficiency in cournot models of incomplete information 미리보기
Betoletti, Paolo Academic Press 1996
63 저널기사 Equilibrium in beliefs under uncertainty 미리보기
Lo, Kin Chung Academic Press 1996
64 저널기사 Reputation and dynamic Stackelberg leadership in infinitely repeated games 미리보기
Aoyagi, Masaki Academic Press 1996
65 저널기사 Equilibrium in economies with financial markets: Uniqueness of expectations and indeterminacy 미리보기
Pietra, Tito Academic Press 1996
66 저널기사 Competitive equilibria for infinite-horizon economies with incomplete markets 미리보기
D., Alejandro Herna Academic Press 1996
67 저널기사 Optimal contract, imperfect output observation, and limited liability 미리보기
Lawarree, Jacques P Academic Press 1996
68 저널기사 Implementation of stable solutions to marriage problems 미리보기
Alcalde, Jose Academic Press 1996
69 저널기사 Endogenous formation of cooperation structures 미리보기
Qin, Cheng-Zhong Academic Press 1996
70 저널기사 A model of fiat money and barter 미리보기
Hayashi, Fumio Academic Press 1996
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