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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
126건 중 126건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Firm scale and the endogenous timing of entry: A choice between commitment and flexibility 미리보기
Sadanand, Asha Academic Press 1996
82 저널기사 The logic of belief and belief change: A decision 미리보기
Morris, Stephen Academic Press 1996
83 저널기사 Supergames played by finite automata with finite costs of complexity in an evolutionary setting 미리보기
Cooper, David J Academic Press 1996
84 저널기사 Core and stable sets of large games arising in economics 미리보기
Einy, Ezra Academic Press 1996
85 저널기사 Evolution of beliefs and the Nash equilibrium of normal form games 미리보기
Aoyagi, Masaki Academic Press 1996
86 저널기사 Existence of equivalent martingale measures in finite 미리보기
Girotto, Bruno Academic Press 1996
87 저널기사 Extraction of surplus under adverse selection: The case of 미리보기
Landsberger, Michael Academic Press 1996
88 저널기사 A general two-sector model of endogenous growth with human and physical capital: Balanced growth 미리보기
Bond, Eric W Academic Press 1996
89 저널기사 Excess demand functions and incomplete markets 미리보기
Bottazzi, Jean-Marc Academic Press 1996
90 저널기사 A general model of information sharing in oligopoly 미리보기
Raith, Michael Academic Press 1996
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