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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Microeconomic behavior in the context of environmental 미리보기
Shah, Farhed American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
82 저널기사 Estimating dynamic dual models under nonstatic expectations 미리보기
Luh, Yir-Hueih American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
83 저널기사 Import quota licenses and market power 미리보기
McCorriston, Steve American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
84 저널기사 Government rail car regulation and the price of canola 미리보기
Carter, Colin A American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
85 저널기사 A public choice perspective on agricultural policy reform: Implications of the New Zealand 미리보기
Scrimgeour, F.G American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
86 저널기사 Role of livestock in agricultural development 미리보기
Delgado, Christopher American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
87 저널기사 Modeling the costs of food safety regulation 미리보기
MacDonald, James M American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
88 저널기사 Supply and demand factors for organic produce 미리보기
Park, Timothy A American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
89 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Novak, James L American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
90 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Infanger, Craig American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
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