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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Undergraduate teaching of management in agricultural economics departments: Discussion 미리보기
Connor, Larry J American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
162 저널기사 Wheat storage and trade in an efficient global market 미리보기
Makki, Shiva S American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
163 저널기사 Modeling economics and ecology: The importance of a spatial 미리보기
Bockstael, Nancy E American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
164 저널기사 Government institutional effects on the value of seasonal climate forecasts 미리보기
Mjelde, James W American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
165 저널기사 Changing time attitudes in intertemporal analysis 미리보기
Barry, Peter J American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
166 저널기사 Taste changes in the demand for food by demographic groups in the United States: A nonparametric 미리보기
Cortez, Rafael American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
167 저널기사 Did the competitive regime switch in the 1980s? 미리보기
Connor, John M American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
168 저널기사 Sugar, cotton, and dairy policy 미리보기
Kennedy, P. Lynn American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
169 저널기사 Books reviewed 미리보기
Fuller, Frank H American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
170 저널기사 Estimating consumer response to food market reform using stated preference data: Evidence from 미리보기
Jayne, T.S American Agricultural Economics Association 1996
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