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161 저널기사 Purification and Characterization of Tomato Leaf (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Hydroperoxide Lyase 미리보기
Fauconnier, M.-L American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
162 저널기사 Effect of Protein Concentration on Rates of Thermal Denaturation of WheyProteins in Milk 미리보기
Law, A. J. R American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
163 저널기사 Antioxidant Activity of Green Tea and Its Catechins in a Fish Meat ModelSystem 미리보기
He, Y American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
164 저널기사 Distribution of Bromophenols in Australian Wild-Harvested and CultivatedPrawns (Shrimp) 미리보기
Whitfield, F. B American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
165 저널기사 Do Plant Phenolics Confer Resistance to Specialist and Generalist InsectHerbivores? 미리보기
Bi, J. L American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
166 저널기사 Peptides in Musts and Wines. Changes during the Manufacture of Cavas (Sparkling Wines) 미리보기
Moreno-Arribas, V American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
167 저널기사 Identification of Bis(4-isothiocyanatobutyl) Disulfide and Its Precursorfrom Rocket Salad (Eruca sativa) 미리보기
Cerny, M. S American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
168 저널기사 Effect of Denaturant and Cosolvents on the Stability of Wheat Germ Lipase 미리보기
Rajeshwara, A. N American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
169 저널기사 Retro-Aldol and Redox Reactions of Amadori Compounds: Mechanistic Studies with Variously Labeled D-[^1^3C]Glucose 미리보기
Huyghues-Despointes, A American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
170 저널기사 Characterization of Buckwheat Seed Storage Proteins 미리보기
Radovic, S. R American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
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