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21 저널기사 How to hire Ms./Mr. right 미리보기
Holdeman, John B American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
22 저널기사 A piece of the action 미리보기
Shamis, Gary S American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
23 저널기사 From the tax adviser: LLC operating agreements 미리보기
Fiore, Nicholas American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
24 저널기사 Tax briefs 미리보기
Person, Stanley American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
25 저널기사 IRS announces possible new features for Web site 미리보기
Wagenbrenner, Anne American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
26 저널기사 AICPA addresses unanswered questions on tax reform 미리보기
Wagenbrenner, Anne American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
27 저널기사 How to get your news release published 미리보기
Saltz, Lida Citroen American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
28 저널기사 Chewing gum and giraffes 미리보기
Williamson, Donald T American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
29 저널기사 The Reform Act: What CPAs should know 미리보기
Pincus, Andrew J American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
30 저널기사 Tax briefs 미리보기
Lynch, Michael American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
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