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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Determining Cotton Water Use in a Semiarid Climate with the GOSSYM Cotton Simulation Model 미리보기
Staggenborg, S. A American Society of Agronomy] 1996
22 저널기사 Rhizoma Peanut and Alfalfa Productivity and Nutrient Composition in Central Georgia 미리보기
Terrill, T. H American Society of Agronomy] 1996
23 저널기사 Accumulation and Redistribution of Mineral Elements in Common Vetch during Pod Filling 미리보기
Caballero, R American Society of Agronomy] 1996
24 저널기사 Forage Potential of Dwarf Napiergrass and a Pearl Millet x Napiergrass Hybrid 미리보기
Cuomo, G. J American Society of Agronomy] 1996
25 저널기사 Nitrogen Fertilization and Burning Effects on Rumen Protein Degradation and Nutritive Value of Native Grasses 미리보기
Cuomo, G. J American Society of Agronomy] 1996
26 저널기사 Growth Dynamics during the Vegetative Period Affects Yield of Narrow-Row, Late-Planted Soybean 미리보기
Board, J. E American Society of Agronomy] 1996
27 저널기사 Corn Yield is Equal in Conventional, Reduced, and No Tillage after 20 Years 미리보기
Kapusta, G American Society of Agronomy] 1996
28 저널기사 NEPER-Weed: A Picture-Based Expert System for Weed Identification 미리보기
Schulthess, U American Society of Agronomy] 1996
29 저널기사 Nitrogen Placement and Tillage Effects on Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation and Redistribution in Winter Wheat 미리보기
Rao, S. C American Society of Agronomy] 1996
30 저널기사 Effect of Wheat Morphological Stage at Grazing Termination on Economic Return 미리보기
Redmon, L. A American Society of Agronomy] 1996
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
