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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Sorghum Grain Yield Reductions Caused by Duration and Timing of FreezingTemperatures 미리보기
Staggenborg, S. A American Society of Agronomy] 1996
62 저널기사 Experimental Design Factors Affecting Error Variation in Orchardgrass 미리보기
Casler, M. D American Society of Agronomy] 1996
63 저널기사 Management of Tropical Legume Cover Crops in the Bolivian Amazon to Sustain Crop Yields and Soil Productivity 미리보기
Luna-Orea, P American Society of Agronomy] 1996
64 저널기사 Root Distribution and Sort Moisture Depletion Pattern of a Drought-Resistant Soybean Plant Introduction 미리보기
Hudak, C. M American Society of Agronomy] 1996
65 저널기사 Potential Uses and Limitations of Crop Models 미리보기
Boote, K. J American Society of Agronomy] 1996
66 저널기사 Nitrogen Release from Grass and Legume Cover Crop Monocultures and Bicultures 미리보기
Ranells, N. N American Society of Agronomy] 1996
67 저널기사 Plant Analysis with Standardized Scores Combines DRIS and Sufficiency Range Approaches for Corn 미리보기
Baldock, J. O American Society of Agronomy] 1996
68 저널기사 Fertilizer Nitrogen Recovery in a No-Till Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow-Wheat Sequence 미리보기
Potter, L. K American Society of Agronomy] 1996
69 저널기사 Long-Term Tillage, Crop Rotation, and Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Wheat Yield under Rainfed Mediterranean Conditions 미리보기
Lopez-Bellido, L American Society of Agronomy] 1996
70 저널기사 A Greenhouse Screening Technique for Acid Soil Tolerance in Maize 미리보기
Urrea-Gomez, R American Society of Agronomy] 1996
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