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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Fulvinol, a New Long-Chain Diacetylenic Metabolite from the Sponge Reniera fulva 미리보기
Ortega, M. J American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
102 저널기사 Two New Lignans, Interiotherins A and B, as Anti-HIV Principles from Kadsura interior 미리보기
Chen, D.-F American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
103 저널기사 Four New Bioactive Manzamine-Type Alkaloids from the Philippine Marine Sponge Xestospongia ashmorica 미리보기
Edrada, R. A American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
104 저널기사 Three New Adjacent Bis-tetrahydrofuran Acetogenins with Four Hydroxyl Groups from Asimina triloba 미리보기
He, K American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
105 저널기사 Isolation and Characterization of Two New Type C Fumonisins Produced by Fusarium oxysporum 미리보기
Seo, J.-A American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
106 저널기사 Four New Triterpene Glycosides from Schefflera bodinieri Roots 미리보기
Zhu, M American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
107 저널기사 Organic Reactions, Volume 48 미리보기
Tius, M. A American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
108 저널기사 Chemistry of Fragrant Substances 미리보기
Fischer, N. H American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
109 저널기사 Syringin 4-O-�Glucoside, a New Phenylpropanoid Glycoside, and Costunolide, a Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor, from the Stem Bark of Magnolia sieboldii 미리보기
Park, H.-J American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
110 저널기사 Biological Activities of the Nortropane Alkaloid, Calystegine B~2, and Analogs: Structure-Function Relationships 미리보기
Goldmann, A American Society of Pharmacognosy 1996
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