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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
271 저널기사 Impact of an orally administered insect growth regulator (lufenuron) on flea infestations of dogs in a controlled simulated home environment 미리보기
Smith, R. D American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
272 저널기사 Analgesic, hemodynamic, and respiratory effects of caudal epidurally administered xylazine hydrochloride solution in mares 미리보기
Skarda, R. T American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
273 저널기사 Effects of age at vaccination on efficacy of Brucella abortus strain RB51 to protect cattle against brucellosis 미리보기
Cheville, N. F American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
274 저널기사 Detection of strain-specific antigenic epitopes on the lipo-oligosaccharide of Haemophilus parasuis by use of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies 미리보기
Zucker, B. A American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
275 저널기사 Cerebrospinal fluid acid-base status during normocapnia and acute hypercapnia in equine neonates 미리보기
Geiser, D. R American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
276 저널기사 Estimation of arcuate artery resistive index as a diagnostic tool for aminoglycoside-induced acute renal failure in dogs 미리보기
Rivers, B. J American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
277 저널기사 Indicators of postoperative pain in cats and correlation with clinical criteria 미리보기
Smith, J. D American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
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