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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Pigou and Modern Business Cycle Theory 미리보기
Collard, D. BLACKWELL 1996
112 저널기사 Value Orientations, Expectations and Voluntary Contributions in Public Goods 미리보기
Offerman, T. BLACKWELL 1996
113 저널기사 Elworthy (Charles). Homo Biologicus: An Evolutionary Model for the Human Sciences 미리보기
Ghiselin, M. T. BLACKWELL 1996
114 저널기사 Brown (Vivienne). Adam Smith's Discourse: Canonicity, Commerce and Conscience 미리보기
Eastwood, D. BLACKWELL 1996
115 저널기사 Takata (Yasuma). Power Theory of Economics: Translated by Douglas W. Anthony 미리보기
Bronfenbrenner, M. BLACKWELL 1996
116 저널기사 Rima (Ingrid H.), (Ed). Measurement, Quantification and Economic Analysis: Numeracy in Economics 미리보기
Qin, D. BLACKWELL 1996
117 저널기사 A Statistical Theory of Equilibrium in Games 미리보기
McKelvey, R Blackwell 1996
118 저널기사 On the Self-Organization and Evolution of Economic Geography 미리보기
Fujita, M Blackwell 1996
119 저널기사 N-Person Nash Bargaining with Variable Threats 미리보기
Kaneko, M Blackwell 1996
120 저널기사 Concepts of Implementation 미리보기
Thomson, W Blackwell 1996
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