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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Preparation of anchored ceramic coatings on metal substrates: a modifiedsol-gel technique using colloidal silica sol 미리보기
Aasen, K. I. Jaeraas, S. G. Govind Menon, P. Zwinkels, M. F. M. Chapman and Hall 1996
32 저널기사 Preparation and characterization of PLZT thin films by sol-gel processing 미리보기
Kuo, Y.-F. Tseng, T.-Y. Chapman and Hall 1996
33 저널기사 Influence of heat treatment parameters on the microstructure and properties of some zinc-based alloys 미리보기
Prasad, B. K. Patwardhan, A. K. Yegneswaran, A. H. Chapman and Hall 1996
34 저널기사 Soft X-ray image storage in poly (methylmethacrylate) 미리보기
Shinozaki, D. M Chapman and Hall 1996
35 저널기사 Observation of slip transmission through a grain boundary in ice 미리보기
Jia, K Chapman and Hall 1996
36 저널기사 The use of force modulation microscopy to investigate block copolymer morphology 미리보기
Chen, J. T Chapman and Hall 1996
37 저널기사 Catastrophic fracture induced fracto-emission 미리보기
Tan, H Chapman and Hall 1996
38 저널기사 Impedance spectroscopy studies of orthorhombic FeNbO~4 미리보기
Tena, M. A Chapman and Hall 1996
39 저널기사 Reduction in energy release rate for mode I fracture of a fibre with a cracked coating layer due to small-scale interfacial debonding 미리보기
Ochiai, S Chapman and Hall 1996
40 저널기사 The nonstoichiometry and physical properties of the Nd~1~-~xCa~1~+~xFeO~4~-~y system 미리보기
Sung Gyun Roh Chapman and Hall 1996
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