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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
148건 중 148건 출력
8/15 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 The impacts of NAFTA on U.S. and Canadian forest product exports to Mexico 미리보기
Prestemon, J. P National Research Council of Canada 1996
72 저널기사 Seedbed and canopy cover effects on balsam fir seedling establishment inIsle Royale National Park 미리보기
McLaren, B. E National Research Council of Canada 1996
73 저널기사 Seasonal patterns of light transmission through boreal mixedwood canopies 미리보기
Constabel, A. J National Research Council of Canada 1996
74 저널기사 Effects of nitrogen availability on northern red oak seedling growth in oak and pine stands in northern Lower Michigan 미리보기
Kim, C National Research Council of Canada 1996
75 저널기사 The recent sugar maple decline in southern Quebec: probable causes deduced from tree rings 미리보기
Payette, S National Research Council of Canada 1996
76 저널기사 Spatiotemporal growth dynamics and disturbances in a subalpine spruce forest in the Alps: a dendroecological reconstruction 미리보기
Cherubini, P National Research Council of Canada 1996
77 저널기사 Temporal and spatial harvesting of irregular systems of parcels 미리보기
Snyder, S National Research Council of Canada 1996
78 저널기사 Inbreeding effects on the spring frost hardiness of coastal Douglas-fir 미리보기
Shortt, R. L National Research Council of Canada 1996
79 저널기사 A vegetation model for the Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia 미리보기
Monserud, R. A National Research Council of Canada 1996
80 저널기사 Two-phase sampling of woody and herbaceous plant communities using large-scale aerial photographs 미리보기
Pitt, D. G National Research Council of Canada 1996
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