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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
184건 중 184건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Cutting environmental penalties to protect the environment 미리보기
Heyes, Anthony G North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
42 저널기사 Social security in a non-altruistic model with uncertainty and endogenous fertility 미리보기
Rosati, Furio Camillo North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
43 저널기사 Suppes-Sen dominance, generalised Lorenz dominance and the welfare economics of competitive 미리보기
Madden, Paul North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
44 저널기사 Imperfect `tagging' in social insurance programs 미리보기
Parsons, Donald O North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
45 저널기사 Environmental taxation and unemployment: Some evidence on the `double dividend hypothesis' in 미리보기
Carraro, Carlo North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
46 저널기사 The Kaldor compensation test and rational choice 미리보기
Bossert, Walter North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
47 저널기사 Pollution permits and environmental innovation 미리보기
Laffont, Jean-Jacques North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
48 저널기사 The marginal welfare cost of public funds: Theory and estimates 미리보기
Snow, Arthur North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
49 저널기사 Reward structures in public good experiments 미리보기
Sefton, Martin North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
50 저널기사 On the provision of excludable public goods 미리보기
Fraser, Clive D North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
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