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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
140건 중 140건 출력
12/14 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
111 저널기사 Police productivity and crime rates: 1973-1992 미리보기
O'Brien, Robert M American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
112 저널기사 Reply to Jensen 미리보기
Chamlin, Mitchell B American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
113 저널기사 Organization and investigation in delinquent groups 미리보기
Warr, Mark American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
114 저널기사 Missing time-series data and the impact of sentencing 미리보기
Land, Kenneth C American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
115 저널기사 Theory without ideas: Reply to Akers 미리보기
Hirschi, Travis American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
116 저널기사 Determinate sentencing and abolishing parole: The long 미리보기
Marvell, Thomas B American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
117 저널기사 The unintended consequences of linking sentencing 미리보기
Stolzenberg, Lisa American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
118 저널기사 Adapting to strain: An examination of delinquent coping 미리보기
Brezina, Timothy American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
119 저널기사 Specification Problems, Police Levels, and Crime Rates 미리보기
Marvell, T. B. unknown 1996
120 저널기사 Specification problems, police levels, and crime rates 미리보기
Marvel, Thomas B American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
맨앞 이전 11 12 13 14 
