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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Criminology]
140건 중 140건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Reviews 미리보기
Leigh, L.H Stevens 1996
62 저널기사 Reviews 미리보기
Kemshall, Hazel Stevens 1996
63 저널기사 (The) Distribution of deviance and exceeding the speed limit 미리보기
Clarke, Ronald V. unknown 1996
64 저널기사 (The) New improved monied police 미리보기
McMullan, John L. unknown 1996
65 저널기사 Taking wrongs seriously 미리보기
O'Connell, Michael;Whelan, Anthony unknown 1996
66 저널기사 In search of the high life 미리보기
Collison, Mike unknown 1996
67 저널기사 Reviews 미리보기
Rawlinson, Paddy Stevens 1996
68 저널기사 The future of criminologies 미리보기
Downes, D : Published by Routledge & Kegan Paul for the London School of Economics and Political Science 1996
69 저널기사 Is differential association/social learning cultural 미리보기
Akers, Ronald L American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
70 저널기사 Wage inequality and criminal activity: An extreme bounds 미리보기
Fowles, Richard American Society of Criminology [etc.] 1996
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