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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
193건 중 193건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 On a market for coalitions with indivisible agents and lotteries 미리보기
Garratt, Rod Academic Press 1997
82 저널기사 General equilibrium concepts under imperfect competition: A Cournotian approach 미리보기
d'Aspremont, Claude Academic Press 1997
83 저널기사 A dynamic model of equilibrium selection in signaling markets 미리보기
Noldeke, Georg Academic Press 1997
84 저널기사 Genericity analysis on the pseudo-equilibrium manifold 미리보기
Zhou, Yuqing Academic Press 1997
85 저널기사 Harsanyani's utilitarianism theorems: General societies 미리보기
Zhou, Lin Academic Press 1997
86 저널기사 Game forms, rights and the efficiency of social outcomes 미리보기
Pattanaik, Prasanta K Academic Press 1997
87 저널기사 On independence for non-additive measures, with a Fubini theorem 미리보기
Ghirardato, Paolo Academic Press 1997
88 저널기사 Noise-proof equilibria in two-action signaling games 미리보기
Carlsson, Hans Academic Press 1997
89 저널기사 Existence of equilibrium in Bayesian games with indefinitely many players 미리보기
Kim, Taesung Academic Press 1997
90 저널기사 Implementing coordinated team play 미리보기
Arya, Anil Academic Press 1997
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