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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Newbery (David M. G.), (Ed). Tax and Benefit Reform in Central and Eastern Europe 미리보기
Barr, N. BLACKWELL 1997
62 저널기사 Marcuzzo (Maria Christina), Pasinetti (Luigi L.) and Roncaglia (Alessandro), (Eds). The Economics of Joan Robinson 미리보기
Bridel, P. BLACKWELL 1997
63 저널기사 Lundberg (Erik). Studies in Economic Instability and Change: Selected writings through five decades together with an obituary by William J. Baumol 미리보기
Faxen, K.-O. BLACKWELL 1997
64 저널기사 Kostoris (Fiorella Padoa Schioppa). Italy: The Sheltered Economy, Structural Problems in the Italian Economy, Translated by John E. Powell 미리보기
Lee, W. R. BLACKWELL 1997
65 저널기사 Griffiths (M. R.) and Lucas (J. R.) Ethical Economics 미리보기
Hausman, D. M. BLACKWELL 1997
66 저널기사 Dixit (Avinash K.). The Making of Economic Policy: A Transaction-Cost Politics Perspective 미리보기
Williamson, O. E. BLACKWELL 1997
67 저널기사 Ray (John E.). Managing Official Export Credits: The Quest for a Global Regime 미리보기
Wang, Z.-K. BLACKWELL 1997
68 저널기사 Mayer (Thomas). Doing Economic Research: Essays on the Applied Methodology of Economics 미리보기
Hendry, D. F. BLACKWELL 1997
69 저널기사 Hoelscher (Jens), Jacobsen (Anke) and Tomann (Horst), (Eds). Bedingungen okonomischer Entwicklung in Zentralosteuropa: Bd. 4: Elemente einer Entwicklungsstrategie 미리보기
Grahl, J. BLACKWELL 1997
70 저널기사 Hoelscher (Jens), Jacobsen (Anke) and Tomann (Horst), (Eds). Conditions of Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Bd. 3: Field Studies on Transition 미리보기
Grahl, J. BLACKWELL 1997
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